Falling markets could devastate the retirement incomes of a generation – but there are ways to reduce the pain.
Plummeting stock markets have dashed the plans of more than 100,000 people in risky money-purchase pensions planning to retire in the next year.
Worst hit are people approaching retirement who saved in old-fashioned personal pensions that do not protect funds against stock market volatility.
Falling share prices have wiped £150bn off the value of personal pensions in the last year, knocking an average of 24 per cent off many of the more common types of pension that were sold in the 1980s and 1990s.
Experts say those planning to retire now face a difficult choice between deferring the day they start receiving cash or swallowing their losses and buying an annuity now. That choice is made even more difficult because annuity specialists predict rates could fall by as much as 10pc over the next year.
This is because annuity rates usually shadow interest rates. With the Bank of England admitting that the economy is in recession, further rate cuts seem likely.
The problem is particularly severe for people in so-called balanced managed funds. These were one of the most common forms of investment fund in old-fashioned personal pensions, and can have more than 80pc of assets in equities right up to the day before retirement.
Until the beginning of the decade, balanced managed funds were commonly offered by life insurance companies as the default choice for pensions. Since then, newer funds that gradually move assets into safer investments in the years before retirement have been developed. Standard Life estimates that around 100,000 people in balanced managed funds reach retirement every year.
Malcolm McLean, chief executive of the Pension Advisory Service, says: “Many people have seen the value of their pensions reduce substantially over the last year. The problem is, for these people there is no protection at all. Final salary pensions are covered by the Pension Protection Fund and annuities are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, but these old-fashioned personal pensions expose retirees to the volatility of the stock market.”
Graham Barber, an independent financial adviser (IFA) with Rensburg Sheppards, says people who have larger funds and can afford to risk staying in the markets may want to consider staying put. “It could make sense to stay invested and then review the situation if and when things do improve.”
There are some things that can be done to reduce the pain. First in importance is making sure you shop around for an annuity. Most people simply buy an annuity off the company they had their pension with, but you can get as much as 15pc more simply by looking for the best deal.
Smokers and people with medical conditions that mean they have shorter life expectancy can get even bigger increases, sometimes as much as 35pc more than traditional annuities. Buying an annuity is a once-in-a-lifetime choice, and should not be done without research. If your fund is worth more than £30,000 you can usually get free advice from an IFA. The FSA website also has details of which providers offer good rates.
You may also be able to structure the way you draw money from your pension, or live off other assets, to leave most of your pot invested. “One solution would be to take your 25pc tax-free cash and live off that in the hope that markets improve,” says Andy Barton, employee benefits director at Scottish Widows.
“But you need to bear in mind that there is no guarantee that markets will bounce back in the time-scale you need, and you may also get a worse annuity rate in the future.”
By John Greenwood